CS 1010
Introduction to Higher Education for Computer Science Majors
CS 1080
Quantitative Reasoning and Computational Thinking
CS 1081
Quantitative Reasoning and Computational Thinking, with Lab
CS 1090
BASIC Programming
CS 1200
Living in a Technology-Based World
CS 1220
Introduction to Website Development
CS 1222
Introduction to Relational Databases
CS 1550
Fundamentals for Computer Graphics
CS 2010
Computer Programming Fundamentals
CS 2011
Introduction to Programming I
CS 2012
Introduction to Programming II
CS 2013
Programming with Data Structures
CS 2148
Discrete Structures
CS 2445
Introduction to Computer Systems
CS 2470
Fundamentals of Network Systems and Cybersecurity
CS 2540
Special Topics in Computer Science
CS 2550
Introduction to Computer Graphics Tools
CS 3035
Programming Paradigms
CS 3112
Analysis of Algorithms
CS 3186
Introduction to Automata Theory
CS 3220
Web and Internet Programming
CS 3337
Software Engineering
CS 3338
Software Engineering Tools
CS 3420
Introduction to Autonomous Robotic Systems
CS 3550
Game Development for Graphic Communications
CS 3555
Mobile Development for Graphic Communications
CS 3661
Foundations of Data Science
CS 3801
Societal and Ethical issues in Computing
CS 3980
Cooperative Education
CS 4075
Concurrent and Distributed Programming
CS 4188
CS 4220
Current Trends in Web Design and Development
CS 4222
Principles of Database Systems
CS 4440
Introduction to Operating Systems
CS 4470
Computer Networking Protocols
CS 4471
Computer Networks Configuration and Management
CS 4472
Computer and Cyber Security
CS 4540
Special Topics in Computer Science
CS 4550
Computer Graphics
CS 4551
Multimedia Software Systems
CS 4555
Introduction to 3D Computer Game Programming
CS 4556
Multiplayer Online Game Design and Development
CS 4635
Modeling and Simulation
CS 4660
Artificial Intelligence
CS 4661
Introduction to Data Science
CS 4662
Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning
CS 4665
Introduction to Data Visualization
CS 4780
Cryptography and Information Security
CS 4875
Human Centered Computing
CS 4961
Software Design Laboratory I
CS 4962
Software Design Laboratory II
CS 4963
Computer Science Recapitulation
CS 4990
Undergraduate Directed Study
ENGL 2030
Introduction to Technical Writing
MATH 2110
Calculus I
MATH 2120
Calculus II
MATH 2550
Introduction to Linear Algebra
PHYS 2100
General Physics I: Mechanics
Mobile Development for Graphic Communications
Prerequisite: CS 1550. Development of mobile applications on a selected platform such as iOS, Android, or Windows; creating basic and simple applications to demonstrate a majority features of the selected OS.
Elaine Kang
Service Course