Program Educational Objectives
PEO #1
Students who had entered the workforce will have established themselves as effective professionals by having solved real problems through the use of their computer science knowledge and their communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.
PEO #2
Students who had continued in academia will have been successful in pursuing advanced degrees and in demonstrating their ability to master advanced areas of computer science.
PEO #3
Students will have demonstrated their ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learned and applied new skills and new technologies.
PEO #4
Students will have demonstrated their ability to recognize and apply legal and ethical principles in academic, professional, social, and/or personal contexts.

Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. Program educational objectives are based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. [ABET CAC Criteria, 2021-2022]

The department reviews the program educational objectives every 2 years to ensure that the program educational objectives stay in alignment with the institutional mission, and the changing needs and expectations of the program constituencies. The review process comprises of three steps:

1. Survey the program constituencies regarding the current program educational objectives.

The surveys of faculty and IAB are conducted during department and IAB meetings, respectively, and alumni are contacted via email to complete the survey online.

2. Propose modifications (or no modification) by the Department Assessment Committee based on the survey results.

The Department Assessment Committee, consisting of the department chair, the department assessment coordinator, and one additional faculty member, discusses the survey results, and if necessary, proposes modifications to the program educational objectives.

3. Discuss and approve the modifications (or no modification) by the faculty and Industry Advisory Board.

The Department Assessment Committee discusses the survey results and the proposed modifications (if any) with faculty and IAB during department and IAB meetings, respectively. Modifications to the PEOs are implemented if they are approved by both faculty and IAB.

The COVID pandemic disrupted our PEO review cycles in 2019-2021, but the department still conducted two reviews of Program Educational Objectives, one in the 2021-2022 academic year, and one the 2023-2024 academic year.

2021-2022 Review

In Fall 2021 semester, survey of alumni, IAB, and faculty were conducted. The survey results were shared with the faculty and IAB members at the IAB meeting. During the discussion at the meeting, one of the IAB members brought up the need for a new PEO about following legal and ethical principles. Most of the attendees of the meeting were in favor of adding such a PEO.

In Spring 2022, the Department Assessment Committee drafted the language of the new PEO. The survey results and the new PEO were discussed at the department retreat. With a minor change, the faculty approved the new PEO, which states: “Students will have demonstrated their ability to recognize and apply legal and ethical principles in academic, professional, social, and/or personal contexts.”

In Fall 2022, the new PEO was discussed and approved by IAB.

2023-2024 Review

In Fall 2023 semester, survey of alumni, IAB, and faculty were conducted.

In Spring 2024, the PEO survey results were shared with faculty at the department retreat. Although the faculty generally agreed to keep the current four PEOs, concerns were raised about the wording of the PEOs – specifically, whether the wording was clear enough to distinguish PEOs from Student Outcomes. After much discussion, the faculty approved to change the wording of the PEOs to the following:

Two to three years after earning their degrees, graduates will have:

1. Entered the workforce and established themselves as effective professionals by having solved real problems using their computer science knowledge and their communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

2. Been successful in pursuing advanced degrees and in mastering advanced areas of computer science.

3. Adapted to a rapidly changing environment by learning and applying new skills and new technologies.

4. Experience in recognizing and applying legal and ethical principles in academic, professional, social, and/or personal contexts.

The new wording of the PEOs will be presented to the IAB for their approval at the next IAB meeting scheduled in Fall 2024.