
EcoCar3 is the latest Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition (AVTC), hosted by General Motors (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The main goal of the project is to convert a Chevy Camaro into a plug-in electric hybrid to reduce its impact on the environment. The competition takes place over four years and involves teams from multiple departments: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science.

EcoCar3 Computer Science team (in year 1)created the center display unit for the vehicle. Our user interface is a PC application written in Qt, a cross-platform development environment. The application replaces all physical buttons in the car, allowing the user to easily control basic functions in the car with a touchscreen display. The user can also monitor information about the car, such as ambient temperature and battery state of charge.

EcoCar3 team ( in year 2) will be charged to enhance the previous year’s developments and integrate/test with the actual vehicle.


Team Lead: Edwin Quintanilla

Architecture lead: David Perez

Customer interaction lead: Edwin Quintanilla

Documentation lead: Varunya Nimnualrat

Presentation and demo lead: Varunya Nimnualrat

QA lead: Ryan Wong

UX lead: Ryan Wong

Student Team
  • Varunya Nimnualrat
  • David Perez
  • Edwin Quintanilla
  • Ryan Wong
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors