Job Order Analysis Tool Project

Job Order Analysis Tool (JOAT). The Job Order Analysis Tool is a web application tool written primarily in the Google Web Toolkit framework. It is a tool that provides managers and staff with graphical information directly related to the job order numbers that are charged by employees in the Aerospace organization to provide support for a project/program. It is based on a modular designed framework that allows a developer to build a website that takes in large amounts of data (mostly point-based, graphical data) and allows for the plotting of this data on different types of charts for a visual look at the information that might not be suggestive of trends/outcomes otherwise.

JOAT was first started by an intern at Aerospace named Denny Ly. The 2011-2012 senior design team was then assigned with JOAT and Dr. Abbott along with Denny Ly being the advisors. The senior design team objective was to take this product and add the features/requirements that were given to them by the liaison. The project was divided into three phases each phase was 10 weeks long. Phase one was to gather requirements from the liaison. Phase two was to develop these requirements, the JOAT team proposed a spiral development process, which consists of combining elements of both design and prototyping in stages. The liaison expected a deliverable every two weeks these were known as our stages. Phase three consisted on writing documentation and continuing to develop the requirements that were given in phase one and test for any bugs. Since the JOAT team used the spiral development process any bugs were likely to be caught during the development of that requirement.

The Job Order Analysis Tool (JOAT) gives Aerospace members and managers a simple and easy-to-use Web-based application interface to view various charts relating to JOs. The JOAT receives the JO data from managers and administrators via Excel spreadsheets (xlsx) and graphs that data for users to analyze trends and compare the progress of JOs. The primary charts in JOAT are financial charts. These chart consist series including Actual, Funding and Plan. Other data types available in JOAT are member of technical staff (MTS) and staff years of technical effort (STE).  The JOAT also provides different chart types, which include column, bar and line. This gives the user the flexibility to view the chart in the form that best fits their report.

Overall with the hard work of the JOAT development team the project was a delivered on time. Our liaisons provided us with great feedback on our deliverables and manage to deploy a beta copy on their servers so that staff can interact with the application. The JOAT project team also had to keep in mind that this application was to be made as modular as possible in order to adapt it for future uses like GPS data. The application has some additional requirements that have yet to be implemented at this point but Denny Ly, the Aerospace intern who started the JOAT project, will continue the development effort at Aerospace in order to complete the requirements given to us in phase one.

Student Team
  • Vincent Endoma
  • Tony Nguyen
  • Richard Ramos
  • Peter Tran
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors