CLDS (Cloud-based Library & Dashboard Service)
CLDS stands for Cloud-based Library & Dashboard Service, and is a browser based data-visualization application.
It allows users to build highly flexible layouts of widgets (graphs, charts, etc.) to represent data streaming in from an external data source. These widgets update in real-time to give as accurate a representation of the current data as possible for the given network environment. Additionally, these widgets can be edited and altered on the fly using a simple interface and complete layouts can be saved or loaded to/from text files.
This project is based on Aerospace's JavaSTARS program which is currently being used to monitor telemetry during rocket launches. In that setting, upwards of ten thousand individual data feeds are available for users to combine into displays to more easily track particular values. Our goal is to replicate as near as possible the functionality and performance of JavaSTARS in a web application.
- William Klein
- Vicken Krikorian
- Clifford Lin
- Ali Rizvi
- Pablo Settecase
- David Thomas II
- Additional Documentation Link
- CLDS Quick Start Users Guide
- CLDS System Test Plan v2
- CLDS User Manual
- Code Base
- Code Repository - GitHub (restricted)
- Final Presentation
- Issues Log - JIRA (restricted)
- Lifelong Lessons
- Our Group!
- Poster
- Project Documentation
- Requirement Specification Document
- Requirements Doc
- Streaming.war
- Test and Issues Log with results
- Transition Out Plan Document
- Video Presentation (02:07:49)