Extension for Public Defender's Client Case Management System
The LA County Public Defender Office uses box.com as cloud storage for video files in the Client Case Management System. Case videos such as surveillance videos tend to be long with large portions containing unrelated content, which makes reviewing them tedious and time-consuming. Box.com provides a framework, known as Box Skills, which allows applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools on the content stored on box.com. The first phase of the project is to leverage Box Skills to transcribe the case videos, and analyze the case videos to build an "index" of scenes and activities. This will greatly improve the efficiency of reviewing these videos by attorneys and law enforcement officers. If the first phase of the project is successful, we plan to focus our effort in the second phase on migrating legacy systems to the modern IT infrastructure at the Public Defender Office.
Team Members:
(Team Lead/ Scrum Master) Miguel Angel Castillo: mangelc99@gmail.com
(Quality Assurance/Tester) Aschelle Thomas: aschellethomas@gmail.com
(Software Engineer/Tester) Conan Yee: conanyee420@gmail.com
(Documentation/Tester) Danny Tran: dannytran_94@yahoo.com
(Documentation/Programming) Samuel Moon: samuelmoon0712@gmail.com
Mohammed Al Rawi: MAlRawi@pubdef.lacounty.gov
Gratia Dsouza: GDsouza@pubdef.lacounty.gov
Dr. Chengyu Sun: csun@calstatela.edu
- Miguel Castillo
- Samuel Moon
- Aschelle Thomas
- Danny Tran
- Conan Yee