Crosswalk for LA County ISD

Project Description

Creating a methodology or process to compare different commodity standards for the Los Angeles County. Large organizations track their purchases in terms of a standardized taxonomy of products and services. The program/application will be able to translate a given code, description, class, etc. from the standard used by the Los Angeles County to the other standard. The standard being compared to is UNSPEC which is one of the most widely used taxonomies. The “Crosswalk” is our process to allow for someone in the Los Angeles County to communicate with another organization which uses the UNSPEC taxonomy. The “Crosswalk” will give a percentage confidence of how similar one item/service in the County is to an UNSPEC item/service.

There is currently no automated process available for find potential matches between different commodity standards, only manual algorithms. Los Angeles County has attempted to out-source this project to teams in the past but to no avail. A program in predicting the accuracy between two standards opens the door translating across multiple standards.

The goal of this project is to investigate the feasibility of developing a tool to do such a crosswalk.

The work done this year was a first step. More work is needed to clarify issues uncovered in this initial investigation and eventually to build such a tool.

   (Deliverables shall be updated as the project continues)

  Task 1 – Project Initiation, Project Management, and Strategy

  Development Team shall:

Title Name  Email
Team Lead Daniel Geiser
Development Adryel Arizaga
Development Jesse Rodriguez
Development Norin Chea
Development Jordi Alejandre
Liaison Jon Neill
Liaison Tiffany Lee
Liaison Mark Martinez



Meeting Times (all meetings are in ET B10)

With Advisors

Group Meetings





  1. Software Requirement Specification
  2. Software Design Document
  3. Software: Data Analysis System for ISD
  4. System Administration Guide
  5. User Guide
  6. Presentation 
Student Team
  • Jordi Alejandre
  • Adryel Arizaga
  • Norin Chea
  • Daniel Geiser Magallanes
  • Jesse Rodriguez
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors