Azure Cloud Database Migration & LACPD New Hire Enrollment Process Web Application
Project Description:
The Los Angeles County Public Defender's office is currently using two applications, PD-GO and Helpdesk. The database is stored in SharePoint lists. Tasked to migrate the database over to Microsoft Azure SQL database.
Enrollment App: Process of Enrollment and Approval System
Enrollment Web Application allows users to request custom forms generated via back-end communication with BOX and Adobe API, then saved within BOX after signing.
Application is built in Angular that helps develop the web form that allows sending the user's data to the back-end system.
Role | Name | |
Faculty Advisor | Chengyu Sun | |
Enrollment Sub-Team | ||
Project Lead | Ryan Sean Lee | |
Backend Developer | Norberto Gomez Rosales | |
Backend Developer | Ismael Valenzuela | |
Adobe-Sign | Fabio Quintana | |
Joshua Perez | ||
Power Apps Sub-Team | Shahram Mehri Kalantari | |
Simon Mai | | |
Power Apps Sub-Team | Michael Loria | |
Wilfredo Paz | ||
Box | Albert Chen | |
Student Team
- Albert Chen
- Norberto Gomez Rosales
- Ryan Lee
- Michael Loria
- Simon Mai
- Shahram Mehri Kalantari
- Wilfredo Paz
- Joshua Perez
- Fabio Quintana
- Ismael Valenzuela
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors
- Enrollment Application Installation Guide
- Fall Presentation Slides
- LACPD Enrollment App Backend (zip)
- Poster
- Presentation
- Project Code
- Project Report
- Software Design Document (Fall 2021)
- Software Design Document (Spring 2022)
- Software Requirements Document (Fall 2021)
- Software Requirements Document (Spring 2022)
- Spring Presentation Slides