Want 2 Remember App® powered by We2Link, Inc. ®
The current project of Want2Remember in the current state is mostly about implementing the web application version of its original mobile application version.
The mobile application was created with a javascript framework called React Native and the recently created website is being implemented with React and Firebase.
Want2Remember is web application to help those with memory issues - whether they are from brain injuries, Alzheimer’s, or other cognitive impairments. The Want2Remember web app shall provide the user templates to log memories, passwords, to-do lists, interactions, appointments, and other important things the user wants to remember. The user shall be able to record past, present, and future events and reminders. The software features shall help facilitate the user’s ability to live independently, return to work, maintain social interaction, increase work efficiency, maintain personal safety, as well as any other needs that may come up in development. The web app features shall also help facilitate caregiver needs, as well as improve medical support.
- Salvador Cornejo
- Angelo Esmeralda
- Victor Flores
- Marco Gonzalez
- Jesse Gonzalez
- Jonah Kim
- Harshil Kotamreddy
- Ryan McKean
- David Pablo
- Roger Ramirez
- Meet the Team
- SDD_V2_2023_SPRING
- Senior Design Presentation ( FALL 2022 )
- Software Design Document (Fall 2022)
- Software Requirement Document (Fall 2022)
- Want2Remember CAL State LA Spring Semester 2023 PPT
- We2Link Code 2023
- We2Link Github Repository
- We2Link Project Poster 2023
- We2Link Project Report
- We2Link Website