Race Against The Machine

Project Goal: The design of an AI-based NPC (non-playing character) for an interdisciplinary theatre project entitled "The Walk Out". 

The Walk Out (WT) is an improvisational theater production directed by Prof. Sylke Rene Meyer (Television, Film, and Media Studies). It takes the reality-based, biographical spaces of the Lincoln Heights High School, and the Church of the Epiphany in Lincoln Heights as a starting point to investigate and reveal power structures inherent in space, social structure, its actors, and objects. This project will adapt and situate the East L.A., 1968: 'Walkout!' in the context of current academic institutions. The project will improvise all story segments based on the real events and translate this specific spatial and linguistic framework, that employs projection technology, into improve theater, and game play. The computer sciences team would contribute to the theater play by to adding a digital component to the production concerning artificial intelligence as a co-creating actor. This AI actor is capable of interacting with human actors, and that makes independent decisions and learns while in use.


Role Name Email
Team Lead Spencer Young spenceryoungcs@gmail.com
Documentation Lead Andy Echeverria aecheve9@calstatela.edu
Communication Lead Brandon Arevalo arevalobrandon115@gmail.com
User Experience Lead Timmy Chau tchau14@calstatela.edu
Architectural Lead Chan In Kou (Michael) ckou2@calstatela.edu






(From left to right, Timmy Chau, Andy Echeverria, Chan In Kou (Michael), Elaine Kang, Sylke Meyer, Brandon Arevalo, and Spencer Young)

Follow @calstatelainart on Instagram for more!!

Note: Game Design Document will satisfy SRS and SDD.

Student Team
  • Brandon Arevalo
  • Timmy Chau
  • Andy Echeverria
  • Chan Kou
  • Spencer Young