LA City Sidewalk Assessment Project

The City of Los Angeles maintains over 11,000 miles of sidewalks. When a sidewalk segment does not settle evenly or has been raised by tree root growth, the sidewalk becomes uneven. This can create pedestrian hazards.  In addition, the City is obligated to ensure that its sidewalks conform to Federal ADA standards, which limit the extent to which a sidewalk may slope.

ABSTRACT / DESCRIPTION: This is the seventh term of a multi-year project. In the last term, a rover has been successfully fabricated. Now, the rover is capable of 1) moving with remote control, 2) measuring crossing slopes and running slopes, 3) collecting  GPS data, and 4) taking photo images. In this term, we will develop a module to measure vertical and horizontal displacement by partnering with the Mechanical Department. In addition, we will continue developing various software by focusing on the following tasks:

Task 1 – Work with the Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department to continue improving the module collecting vertical displacement on the sidewalk – The faculty advisor shall recruit students from the Mechanical Engineering Department to continue to improve the module developed by the previous team to collect vertical displacement.

Task 2 – Implement collision avoidance function on the rover. – The students shall implement a collision avoidance function on the rover. Also, the students shall improve the existing application web-site

Task 3 – Perform field tests, including field tests at Echo Park, to assess the system and collect sidewalk data. The students shall perform extensive field tests to prepare the system for deployment, including field tests at Echo Park field.

Role Name e-mail GitHub Repository
Faculty Advisor Jungsoo Lim
Project Lead Johnathan Hwang  
Customer liaison/requirements lead. Fernando Serrano  
Architecture/design lead Amelia Santamaria  
UI Lead Tiffany Hung  
Backend and component lead Carlos Villa  
Database Schema lead Jose Portillo Valencia  
QA/QC lead Ernesto Cabrera  
Documentation Lead Brian Mojica  
Demo Lead Zhiwen Liu  
Presentation Lead Arturo Gonzalez  
Project Consultant Cao Tran  


Meetings Date Time
Weekly advisor group meeting Friday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Bi-Weekly Liaison Meeting Friday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Weekly team meeting Friday 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Task Team Members
Task 1 - Develop a module for vertical & horizontal displacement Jonathan Hwang (team lead), Brian Mojica, Ernesto Cabrera, Arturo Gonzalez, Tiffany Hung
Task 2 - Implement collision avoidance & Improve the system website Jose Portillo Valencia (team lead), Fernando Serrano Perez, Zhiwen Liu
Task 3 - Field test Carlos Villa Rodela (team lead), Amelia Santamaria Zapata





Student Team
  • Ernesto Cabrera
  • Arturo Gonzalez
  • Tiffany Hung
  • Johnathan Hwang
  • Zhiwen Liu
  • Brian Mojica
  • Jose Portillo Valencia
  • Amelia Santamaria Zapata
  • Fernando Serrano Perez
  • Carlos Villa Rodela