CLIENT: Knowledge is Power Program Los Angeles 

Knowledge is Power Program Los Angeles is the Los Angeles division of the nation wide charter school system. This company holds a myriad of data analytic in the form of a tableau Dashboard. KIPPLA currently uses Google Site to maintain a website that hold these Tableau Dashboards. The members of KIPPLA have different levels of priority that allow them to view certain dashboards. Google Sites does not allow a priority filter baed on users, and so KIPPLA has to manage 3 separate websites. KASTLE 2.0 is a website built with the Content Management System Wordpress to help the KIPPLA admins manage only one website with added features not allowed by Google Sites.

Once deployed KASTLE 2.0 will allow the admins of KIPPLA to manage one website that will dynamically allocate pages to users with permissions to view them.


Adviser Meeting Time: Fridays 1-2

Group Meeting Times: Fridays 11-1


(Roles have not been chosen because it is a new project)

Jose Gonzalez (jgonz219@gmail.com)

Juan Perez (juan.m.perez.711@gmail.com)

Safa Al Mahbub (safamahbub357@gmail.com)




Team Resources

Communications: Slack

Documents and Files: Google Drive

Code Repository

Student Team
  • Andres Adame
  • Teky Alvarado
  • Jose Gonzalez
  • Safa Mahbub
  • Juan Perez
  • Alvin Quach
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors