
EcoCar3 is the latest Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition (AVTC), hosted by General Motors (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The main goal of the project is to convert a Chevy Camaro into a plug-in electric hybrid to reduce its impact on the environment. The competition takes place over four years and involves teams from multiple departments: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science.

The computer science team will be responsible for working on the features of the touchscreen center console unit.  Through a UI, it will allow the user to access a simulated police database, open a web app that will give them access to the GIS navigation system, monitor the status of the car, and provide controls for systems in the car.  As the third year, we will be refining and iterating on the progress of last year's team.  Special attention will be paid to make sure that the project is maintainable so that the fourth year team faces fewer issues when they work on the project.  Some possible changes include re-designing the UI layout and visuals, expanding functionality, and depending on overall progress, live testing in a car.  


Project Lead/UX Lead: Mason Nguyen -

Customer Interactions Lead/QA Lead: Abhishek Patel-

Documentation Lead: Vincent Luu -

Architecture Lead: Enrique Gomez -

Student Team
  • Enrique Gomez
  • Brent Hamada
  • Vincent Luu
  • Mason Nguyen
  • Abhishek Patel
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors