Landfill e-Forms Application
The purpose of this project is to convert the City of Los Angeles, Department of Sanitation's methane emission auditing system from paper to fully electronic in order to improve efficiency, reduce human error, and speed up report production. This project will consist of the team developing two applications: a mobile application and a web application for desktop use. The mobile application will be developed for the Android Operating System and will be aimed towards on-field use. The user will be able to enter and search data on the mobile device, as well as sync with a private server hosting the database. The web application is developed with an Angular 4 front-end and a Java/Spring back-end. The user will be able to upload/download data to and from the web application through a hardwired sync when connected to a mobile device running the developed Android application. The web application will also serve as the main source for data entry, data search, and generating reports.
Team Members
Alfredo Aleman (
Allen Huang (
Grant Kang (
Chris Ow (
Alvin Quach (
Project Liaisons
William Andrews (
John Hamilton (
Francis Castillo (
George Yu (
Team Leads
Project Lead - Alfredo Aleman
Customer Liaison - Alfredo Aleman
Quality Assurance Lead - Chris Ow Allen Huang
Demonstration/Presentation Lead - Alfredo Aleman
Database Lead - Alvin Quach Allen Huang
Documentation Lead - Chris Ow
Android Application Lead - Grant Kang
Web Application Lead - Alvin Quach
Data Transfer Lead - Allen Huang
Meeting Times
Thursday - 12:00pm to 10:00pm in E&T B10 or Alvin's house.
Friday - 11:00am to 1:00pm in E&T A-223 (Advisor/Liaison meeting).
Team Resources
Communications: Slack
Documents and Files: Google Drive
Web-App Test Server:
Code Repository: Github
- Alfredo Aleman
- Allen Huang
- Grant Kang
- Chris Ow
- Alvin Quach
- Landfill e-Forms 2017 Database Schemas
- Landfill e-Forms 2017 Source Code (Android)
- Landfill e-Forms 2017 Source Code (Web Application)
- Landfill e-Forms Fall 2016 Presentation
- Landfill e-Forms Final Report
- Landfill e-Forms Project Poster
- Landfill e-Forms Software Design Specification
- Landfill e-Forms Software Requirements Document
- Landfill e-Forms Spring 2017 Presentation
- Last Year's Database Tables (No Data, Only Tables)
- Previous term - Landfill Server Soruce Code
- Previous-term Landfill eForms Source Code
- User Roles and Use Cases