Upgrade of Tenant and Owner Portals to Housing Authority website

Liaisons: Doug Van Gelder, Steve Lo, Michele Do


The Los Angeles County Community Development Commission seeks to upgrade its existing Tenant and Owner web Portals, which were initially developed in 2010.  The Tenant portal allows Section 8 families to obtain, fill-out, and submit Housing Authority forms to maintain eligibility for housing programs. The portal shall streamline the process by allowing Tenants and Owners to submit forms online.  The current database has to be restructured to reduce redundancy to save storage and handle information more efficiently. While the system has served the needs of the Commission for eight years, the current system does not meet today’s data security standards and lacks a user-friendly mobile interface. It is anticipated that once completed the portal enhancement would improve operational efficiency.

An upgraded web portal has been designed and is currently under review. The upgrade includes a much more user-friendly web interface, which is also mobile-friendly. Once approved and opened to the public users would be able to navigate among different forms on the site using a wide range of laptop and mobile devices. New features were added to streamline the application and to improve the user viewing experience. The portal has been re-designed with a modern web interface that improves browser compatibility and mobile responsive web pages.


Position Name Email Personal Github
Team Lead/Customer Liaison Contact Juan Rojas jrojasbf@gmail.com https://github.com/jrojas10
Documentation Lead Simon Bach sbach222@yahoo.com https://github.com/PotchyInu
Architecture Lead Michael Schleicher mdschleicher@gmail.com https://github.com/mdschleicher
Component Lead Juan Orozco juanorozco213@gmail.com https://github.com/JuanOrozco213
QA Lead Ravin Bhakta ravin.bhakta@gmail.com https://github.com/bhaktaravin








Advisor Meeting Time: Friday 2:00 - 3:00pm

Liaison Meeting Time: Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00 pm

Meeting Times:  Monday/Wednesday 1:00-5:00 pm, Friday 12:00-2:00pm

Student Team
  • Simon Bach
  • Ravin Bhakta
  • Juan Orozco
  • Juan Rojas
  • Michael Schleicher
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors