Parks and Recreation Mobile App Enhancement
Parks and Recreation Mobile App Version 2.0 – Parks Treasure Hunt Mobile Game
- Incorporate a Parks Treasure-Hunt game into last year's mobile app. The concept is similar to the mobile game POKEMON GO!, where players travel physically to various locations to find pokemons. The Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation holds historical, cultural, and other interesting treasures as well as thousands of animal and plant species. However, these treasures remain undiscovered by many park users. The Parks Treasure-Hunt mobile game aims to increase awareness about the parks and its treasures and to bring more children and families to LA County parks. It requires players, accompanied by a virtual pet, to visit various parks to hunt for hidden objects--which will be described by Parks staff and identified on the app. In addition, the mobile game encourages the players to exercise as they travel from one interest point to another, which will generate health points for their virtual pet. The game includes quizzes for the players to learn about the natural habitat and animals in the parks.
Name | Github | ||||
Project Lead | Veronica Toriz | | | ||
Customer Liaison | Anshil Patel | | | ||
Architecture Lead | Veronica Toriz | ||||
QA Lead | Weifeng Yang |
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Documentation Lead | Max Ziwei Xiong |
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Component Lead | Jim Zhu |
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- Software Requirement Specification
- Software Design Document
- Software: Parks and Recreation Mobile App V 2.0
- System Administration Guide
- User Guide
- Presentation
Student Team
- Anshilkumar Patel
- Veronica Toriz
- Ziwei Xiong
- Weifeng Yang
- Zijin Zhu
Project Sponsor
Project Liaisons
Faculty Advisors